Friday, July 18, 2008

Thing #23 Creative Commons

I feel sometimes we are bludgeoned with copyright issues – when to use it, how to use it, what’s covered, what’s not, etc. I agree with Cheryl Morris – in our schools, our librarians have been the go-to people for questions about copyright, and they have always been willing to check it out and give us the correct answer. I will have to say, the “Fair-y Use” video was extremely well-done and fun to watch (while learning, of course). It was a clever way to teach a lesson, as was Duke’s copyright comic book; both exemplified creativity gone wild! Through this 23Things process, I’ve seen the credit at the bottom of the page that mentioned the Creative Commons License, and it’s taken finishing 22 Things to find out what it was! Visible at the end of the Thing 23 page is the CC logo with the information that the work is licensed through Creative Commons. By extension, we are also under that license. I had not given much thought to pictures, so checked out Flickr’s Creative Commons photo pool that gives users 4 basic use choices, as well as any combination of those 4. Plus there’s an option to add a license to my own photostream, if I want. This information is something that I want to pass on to my students and teachers, so they’re aware of the difference between “All Rights Reserved” and “Some Rights Reserved.”

1 comment:

mmw said...

Excellent summary of Creative Commons. Thanks!