Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thing #2 Got My Avatar!

I had to think a while on both my posting and blog names - who was I representing myself as and how best to reflect both. I knew it would need to include something about music - that's the "Notes" part. The MMS could be anything - masterful music specialist? but I'm the only one who knows. The posting name gives a clue about my life direction - very obviously.

Creating the blog was extremely easy - just follow the directions (although I sat for a while before choosing names. adding the avatar was not as easy. :) I couldn't find the blue rectangle - I think it was green on my computer. Then I didn't put the code in the right place, and had to repeat the process several times to finally get it in place. Sometimes re-reading and repeating actions works best, even if it's a little frustrating.

There is nothing as exhiliarating as completing a project successfully - not without having to backtrack at times, but that's not the point. First, I had to decided who "i" wanted to be. Lots of choices, lots of thinking, but in the end, I decided to be myself, or as close as possible to who I am. Any picture I post will show a smiling person, because that's usually my frame of mind.I looked through all the outfits after getting the right face, then realized before I could choose what to wear, I needed to have a background. When I saw the American background, it was an easy decision. This was a hard week, with the death of an Army Ranger who died close to the town in Iraq where my son had been stationed. I am proud to be an American, proud to have known J.D., and thankful for him and others who have been willing to put their lives on the line. I may not keep the same picture throughout this experience, but the picture is where I am right now.

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